Wyoming Legislature Joint Interim Committee Meetings resumed in May and are in full swing in June.
It's all happening.
Want to know more? Click here for the list of June meeting dates and locations by committee.
Want to participate? Click here for a primer and use the "Attending A Meeting" tab to learn more about how to attend and testify.
Want to know what we're watching? Read on for our thoughts on what to keep an eye on as the summer wears on:
Joint Labor/Health: Medicaid birth cost recovery, TANF & SNAP, Workforce Services and enforcement of labor laws, Wyoming's aging population, ACA, mental health & substance abuse, Family First Prevention Services Act
Joint Judiciary: Family First Prevention Services Act (more focused as a topic than in Labor/Health), human trafficking, sexual abuse of minors
Select Cmte on Investments: Always worth paying attention to anything related to Wyoming's revenues, investments, and cash
Here are the details on the next Joint Labor/Health Meeting, put it on your calendar: 6/13/2019 - 6/14/2019 @ 8:00 AM, Central Wyoming College, Riverton.
Bring your knitting needles, and we'll see you there!