Something about seeing all the talking heads together on one screen drove home the point: There aren't enough women in the Legislature.
(Please bear in mind that more than half of the women you see in that screen shot are staffers. Only two of those women are elected officials. Whereas, 13 of those men are.)
There aren't enough women on the Management Council (2). There aren't enough women who chair committees (also 2). There aren't enough women who chair select committees (1). There aren't enough women in the Legislature (14).
There aren't enough women. Full stop.
We need you to run for office. Want to understand even better the issues facing the state and why your perspective on policy and Wyoming's future will be an invaluable addition to the conversation?
Join us for (virtual) Management Council again this Friday at 8am. We'll live tweet (as we are wont to do) and answer questions on social media. Part of our role here at WWAN is to demystify some of the process.
We encourage you (strongly!) to join us on Friday morning. (You don't even have to get out of your jammies or brush your hair.)
Want to know more about the meeting? You can watch last week's here (best 11 hours of your life; all the action is in the first 15 minutes and the last 15 minutes, except for some Beef Chat around the lunch hour). You can check out the agenda for this week's meeting here. And you can sign up to make public comment right here (deadline: April 23 @ 5pm).
And we encourage you (even more strongly!) after watching and listening to run for office *and* encourage a woman you know to run for office. May is coming quickly which means the filing period is almost upon us.
Our state needs your voice!